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- SFI and civic orientation
SFI and civic orientation
SFI (Swedish for immigrants)
SFI (svenska för invandrare in Swedish) is an education for adult immigrants who wish to acquire basic skills in the Swedish language and about Swedish everyday-, society- and worklife.
To start studying SFI you need to apply to Campus Futura. This is for those who do not take part in the establishment program.
It you have been granted residence permit as a refugee or due to subsidiary protection or as somebody’s relative, and due to this belong to the establishment program, all planning will be done together with your administrator at Arbetsförmedlingen. You can get help with applying and registration to SFI at the refugees reception centre at the municipality (Flykting- och integrationsenheten).
More information about SFI here. Länk till annan webbplats.
Civic orientation course
When you are in Sweden you have the opportunity to participate in a course where you will learn more about the Swedish society, it is called civic orientation (samhällsorientering in Swedish). The course will be in your mother language through an interpreter. Read more about the course here. Länk till annan webbplats.
This course is not offered to the following groups:
- Member of a EU/EES-country or Switzerland
- High school students (gymnasiet in Swedish)
- Migrant workers
- Guest students/guest researcher
Information about Sweden
Informationsverige.se Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. This portal is for anyone who is new to Sweden and wants to find information about Swedish society quickly and easily. It brings all the information, in several different languages, together in one place. You will also find some information about the municipality of Tanum.
Välkommen till dina
Telefon 0525-180 00
Fax 0525-183 00
Måndag-fredag 8.00-16.30
Avvikande öppettider
Apoteksvägen 6
457 81 Tanumshede
Storemyrsvägen 2
457 31 Tanumshede
Tanums kommun
457 81 Tanumshede
Flykting- och integrations-
0525-180 00
Måndag-fredag 9.00-10.00
Du kan även boka tid via e-post:
Apoteksvägen 6
457 31 Tanumshede
Vägbeskrivning Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.