Associations and meeting places

A great way to get to know new people and join in activities that interest you is by joining an association. In the municipality of Tanum there are many different associations. There are about 130 active associations in different places in the municipality. You can find them in the association register Länk till annan webbplats..

In the municipality there are also the Swedish Church and a number of free churches. The nearest mosque is located in Uddevalla.
Some of the meeting places in the municipality are:

Eken family center (Familjecentralen) – in Tanumshede

For those who are going to be a parent or if you have children between 0-6 years.

There is a midwife reception, a child welfare center and group activities. More information about Eken family Länk till annan webbplats.centre.

Open preschool (öppna förskolan) Adults with children up to 6 years are welcome. Here you are responsible for your children and you can play, potter, get a coffee and sing with the children and meet other adults with children. For more information and opening hours click here.

Baby café Adults who await children or have children up to 1 year join this activity. You sing, play with the kids and meet other adults and children. Click here for more information and opening hours.


In the open preschool there are:
Preschool teacher, phone 0525-185 38
Curator, phone 0525-183 98
Address: Björnbärsvägen 6, Tanumshede
Familjecentralen Eken on Facebook Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster..

ABF (arbetarnas bildningsförbund) in Tanumshede

The meeting point, Affärsvägen 6, Tanumshede
For opening hours and more information, please visit Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.

The Swedish Church– in multiple areas

Childrens activities - Parish house in Naverstad and Kville.

For more information aboute the church activities phone: 0525-640 08 or 0525 - 640 19

Library– in multiple areas

The library in Tanumshede

Hamburgsund Library

Fjällbacka Library

Bullaren Library

More about the libraries Länk till annan webbplats. here.

Youth centres in for you between 13-20 years– in multiple areas

For opening hours and ages, follow Ung i Tanum on Facebook Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster..

Youth centres in the municipality of Tanum for you between 13-20 years.

Youth House (Ungdomens hus), Tanumshede phone 0525-182 19
Blue Hall (Blå hallen), Hamburgsund, phone 0525-340 05
La'Gårn, Rabbalshede phone 0525-181 51
Mackan, Bullaren phone 0525-181 51



Välkommen till dina

Telefon 0525-180 00
Fax 0525-183 00

Måndag-fredag 8.00-16.30
Avvikande öppettider


Apoteksvägen 6
457 81 Tanumshede

Storemyrsvägen 2
457 31 Tanumshede


Tanums kommun
457 81 Tanumshede

Flykting- och integrations-

0525-180 00


Måndag-fredag 9.00-10.00

Du kan även boka tid via e-post:


Apoteksvägen 6
457 31 Tanumshede
Vägbeskrivning Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.