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- Parkeringsplatser, allmänna
- Parking in Tanums kommun
Parking in Tanums kommun
This is the information you will find at our paid car parks within the municipality in several languages.
Look carefully at the rules regarding the longest permitted parking time, this varies between the different car parks.
Find carparks within Tanum Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Parkgebühr 15. Juni - 15. August
Alle Tage 09-18
Die erste Stunde ist kostenlos, danach 20 kr/Stunde
Maximale Parkzeit 3 Stunden
Viel Spaß bei Ihrem Besuch!"
KOSTENLOS 16. August - 14. Juni
Sie müssen die App nicht verwenden
Viel Spaß bei Ihrem Besuch!"
Sehen Sie sich die Regeln bezüglich der längsten zulässigen Parkzeit genau an, diese ist je nach Parkplatz unterschiedlich. Sehen Sie sich die Regeln bezüglich der längsten zulässigen Parkzeit genau an, diese ist je nach Parkplatz unterschiedlich.
Tariffa parcheggio dal 15 giugno al 15 agosto
Tutti i giorni 09-18 La prima ora è gratuita, poi 20kr/ora Tempo massimo di parcheggio 3 ore Godetevi la vostra visita!"
GRATUITO dal 16 agosto al 14 giugno Non è necessario utilizzare l'app Godetevi la vostra visita!"
Consulta attentamente le norme relative al tempo massimo di sosta consentito, questo varia a seconda dei diversi parcheggi. Consulta attentamente le norme relative al tempo massimo di sosta consentito, questo varia a seconda dei diversi parcheggi.
Frais de stationnement du 15 juin au 15 août
Tous les jours du 09 au 18
La première heure est gratuite, puis 20 kr/heure
Temps de stationnement maximum 3 heures
Bonne visite!"
GRATUIT du 16 août au 14 juin
Vous n'êtes pas obligé d'utiliser l'application
Bonne visite!"
Regardez attentivement les règles concernant la durée de stationnement la plus longue autorisée, celle-ci varie selon les différents parkings. Regardez attentivement les règles concernant la durée de stationnement la plus longue autorisée, celle-ci varie selon les différents parkings.
Parking fee 15 June -15 August
All days 09-18
First hour is free of charge, then 20kr/hour
Maximum parking time 3 hours
Enjoy your visit!"
FREE of charge August 16 - June 14
You don´t have to use the app
Enjoy your visit!"
Look carefully at the rules regarding the longest permitted parking time, this varies between the different car parks. Look carefully at the rules regarding the longest permitted parking time, this varies between the different car parks.
Passenger car Class I
Parking for passenger cars Class I means that it is only permitted to park passenger cars in the parking lot.
Parking sign mobile home
Parking for mobile home. Motorhomes are referred to public parking spaces intended for Class II or Motorhomes (see parking map). Motorhomes may not park in parking spaces marked with Passenger Car Class I. It is not permitted to spend the night in parking spaces. For an overnight stay or pitch, contact a private operator..
Parking for trailers such as caravans or boat trailers
Passenger cars with trailers are referred to public parking spaces for passenger cars without a ban on trailers. On-site signage applies. The trailer must not obstruct access and it is not permitted to spend the night in parking lots.
For an overnight stay, contact a private operator.
Välkommen till dina
Telefon 0525-180 00
Fax 0525-183 00
Måndag-fredag 8.00-16.30
Avvikande öppettider
Apoteksvägen 6
457 31 Tanumshede
Storemyrsvägen 2
457 31 Tanumshede
Tanums kommun
457 81 Tanumshede
Gatu- och projektavdelningen
0525-180 00
Storemyrsvägen 2,
Tanums kommun
457 81 Tanumshede